Kornitzer Family Law has partnered with leading experts to provide insight into relevant topics such as:
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Child Custody and Support
- Mediation
- Arbitration (Secular and Beis Din)
- Death and Divorce
- Estate Planning and Divorce
We provide free access to our past webinars in order to provide information that might potentially assist you with navigating your current situation.

How to Co-Parent with a Difficult Ex, Webinar at Jewish Link recording Studio, New Jersey, June 21, 2023

Insights & Complexities, a Dialogue on Jewish Marriage & Halacha.
A stimulating webinar co-sponsored by Kornitzer Family Law and the Jewish Link. Sit back and watch the video of our panelists discussion –
Our panelists included:
- Robert Kornitzer of Kornitzer Family Law
- Rabbi Jachter of Sha’arei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck
- Dr. Edward Berger, Therapist Moderated by
- Elizabeth Kratz Editor-in-Chief Associate Publisher of the Jewish Link.

What Clergy Need to Know About Divorce
A stimulating webinar co-sponsored by Kornitzer Family Law and the Jewish Link. Sit back and watch the video of our panelists discussion –
Our panelists included:
- Robert Kornitzer of Kornitzer Family Law
- Rabbi Jachter of Sha’arei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck
- Dr. Edward Berger, Therapist Moderated by
- Elizabeth Kratz Editor-in-Chief Associate Publisher of the Jewish Link.
Experienced Family Law Attorney
Every family and situation is different, tell us about your current situation and we would be happy to discuss your legal options.